to Imageタスクを実現する技術です。
出典: CLIP を用いた画像ランキングによるパラメータ最適化に基づいた絵本の挿絵生成 |
to Imageタスクが実現されています。
また、以下の記事では、Text to
[FuseDream] AIを使ってテキストから絵を描く [日本語対応]
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[初心者向け] Pythonで機械学習を始めるまでに読んだおすすめ書籍一覧
[初心者向け] 機械学習がゼロから分かるおすすめオンライン講座
それではまず環境からセットアップしていきます。 Colaboratoryを開いたら下記を設定しGPUを使用するようにしてください。
始めに、Google ColaboratoryからGoogle
from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') !mkdir '/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan' !mkdir '/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images' working_dir = '/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan'
%cd /content/ print("Downloading CLIP...") !git clone https://github.com/openai/CLIP &> /dev/null print("Downloading Python AI libraries...") !git clone https://github.com/CompVis/taming-transformers &> /dev/null !pip install ftfy regex tqdm omegaconf pytorch-lightning &> /dev/null !pip install kornia &> /dev/null !pip install einops &> /dev/null print("Installing libraries for handling metadata...") !pip install stegano &> /dev/null !apt install exempi &> /dev/null !pip install python-xmp-toolkit &> /dev/null !pip install imgtag &> /dev/null !pip install pillow==7.1.2 &> /dev/null print("Installing Python video creation libraries...") !pip install imageio-ffmpeg &> /dev/null path = f'{working_dir}/steps' !mkdir --parents {path} print("Installation finished.")
import argparse import math from pathlib import Path import sys import os import cv2 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import subprocess import ast sys.path.append('/content/taming-transformers') # Some models include transformers, others need explicit pip install try: import transformers except Exception: !pip install transformers import transformers from IPython import display from base64 import b64encode from omegaconf import OmegaConf from PIL import Image from taming.models import cond_transformer, vqgan import torch from torch import nn, optim from torch.nn import functional as F from torchvision import transforms from torchvision.transforms import functional as TF from tqdm.notebook import tqdm from CLIP import clip import kornia.augmentation as K import numpy as np import imageio from PIL import ImageFile, Image from imgtag import ImgTag # metadata from libxmp import * # metadata import libxmp # metadata from stegano import lsb import json ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True
def sinc(x): return torch.where(x != 0, torch.sin(math.pi * x) / (math.pi * x), x.new_ones([])) def lanczos(x, a): cond = torch.logical_and(-a < x, x < a) out = torch.where(cond, sinc(x) * sinc(x/a), x.new_zeros([])) return out / out.sum() def ramp(ratio, width): n = math.ceil(width / ratio + 1) out = torch.empty([n]) cur = 0 for i in range(out.shape[0]): out[i] = cur cur += ratio return torch.cat([-out[1:].flip([0]), out])[1:-1] def resample(input, size, align_corners=True): n, c, h, w = input.shape dh, dw = size input = input.view([n * c, 1, h, w]) if dh < h: kernel_h = lanczos(ramp(dh / h, 2), 2).to(input.device, input.dtype) pad_h = (kernel_h.shape[0] - 1) // 2 input = F.pad(input, (0, 0, pad_h, pad_h), 'reflect') input = F.conv2d(input, kernel_h[None, None, :, None]) if dw < w: kernel_w = lanczos(ramp(dw / w, 2), 2).to(input.device, input.dtype) pad_w = (kernel_w.shape[0] - 1) // 2 input = F.pad(input, (pad_w, pad_w, 0, 0), 'reflect') input = F.conv2d(input, kernel_w[None, None, None, :]) input = input.view([n, c, h, w]) return F.interpolate(input, size, mode='bicubic', align_corners=align_corners) class ReplaceGrad(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x_forward, x_backward): ctx.shape = x_backward.shape return x_forward @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_in): return None, grad_in.sum_to_size(ctx.shape) replace_grad = ReplaceGrad.apply class ClampWithGrad(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, min, max): ctx.min = min ctx.max = max ctx.save_for_backward(input) return input.clamp(min, max) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_in): input, = ctx.saved_tensors return grad_in * (grad_in * (input - input.clamp(ctx.min, ctx.max)) >= 0), None, None clamp_with_grad = ClampWithGrad.apply def vector_quantize(x, codebook): d = x.pow(2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) + codebook.pow(2).sum(dim=1) - 2 * x @ codebook.T indices = d.argmin(-1) x_q = F.one_hot(indices, codebook.shape[0]).to(d.dtype) @ codebook return replace_grad(x_q, x) class Prompt(nn.Module): def __init__(self, embed, weight=1., stop=float('-inf')): super().__init__() self.register_buffer('embed', embed) self.register_buffer('weight', torch.as_tensor(weight)) self.register_buffer('stop', torch.as_tensor(stop)) def forward(self, input): input_normed = F.normalize(input.unsqueeze(1), dim=2) embed_normed = F.normalize(self.embed.unsqueeze(0), dim=2) dists = input_normed.sub(embed_normed).norm(dim=2).div(2).arcsin().pow(2).mul(2) dists = dists * self.weight.sign() return self.weight.abs() * replace_grad(dists, torch.maximum(dists, self.stop)).mean() def parse_prompt(prompt): vals = prompt.rsplit(':', 2) vals = vals + ['', '1', '-inf'][len(vals):] return vals[0], float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]) class MakeCutouts(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cut_size, cutn, cut_pow=1.): super().__init__() self.cut_size = cut_size self.cutn = cutn self.cut_pow = cut_pow self.augs = nn.Sequential( K.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), # K.RandomSolarize(0.01, 0.01, p=0.7), K.RandomSharpness(0.3,p=0.4), K.RandomAffine(degrees=30, translate=0.1, p=0.8, padding_mode='border'), K.RandomPerspective(0.2,p=0.4), K.ColorJitter(hue=0.01, saturation=0.01, p=0.7)) self.noise_fac = 0.1 def forward(self, input): sideY, sideX = input.shape[2:4] max_size = min(sideX, sideY) min_size = min(sideX, sideY, self.cut_size) cutouts = [] for _ in range(self.cutn): size = int(torch.rand([])**self.cut_pow * (max_size - min_size) + min_size) offsetx = torch.randint(0, sideX - size + 1, ()) offsety = torch.randint(0, sideY - size + 1, ()) cutout = input[:, :, offsety:offsety + size, offsetx:offsetx + size] cutouts.append(resample(cutout, (self.cut_size, self.cut_size))) batch = self.augs(torch.cat(cutouts, dim=0)) if self.noise_fac: facs = batch.new_empty([self.cutn, 1, 1, 1]).uniform_(0, self.noise_fac) batch = batch + facs * torch.randn_like(batch) return batch def load_vqgan_model(config_path, checkpoint_path): config = OmegaConf.load(config_path) if config.model.target == 'taming.models.vqgan.VQModel': model = vqgan.VQModel(**config.model.params) model.eval().requires_grad_(False) model.init_from_ckpt(checkpoint_path) elif config.model.target == 'taming.models.cond_transformer.Net2NetTransformer': parent_model = cond_transformer.Net2NetTransformer(**config.model.params) parent_model.eval().requires_grad_(False) parent_model.init_from_ckpt(checkpoint_path) model = parent_model.first_stage_model else: raise ValueError(f'unknown model type: {config.model.target}') del model.loss return model def resize_image(image, out_size): ratio = image.size[0] / image.size[1] area = min(image.size[0] * image.size[1], out_size[0] * out_size[1]) size = round((area * ratio)**0.5), round((area / ratio)**0.5) return image.resize(size, Image.LANCZOS)
%cd /content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images !wget https://www.pakutaso.com/shared/img/thumb/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg !wget https://www.pakutaso.com/shared/img/thumb/yuka16011215IMG_5574_TP_V4.jpg src_img = Image.open('/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg') dst_img = Image.open('/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/yuka16011215IMG_5574_TP_V4.jpg') src_img = src_img.resize((src_img.width // 2, src_img.height // 2)) dst_img = dst_img.resize((dst_img.width // 2, dst_img.height // 2)) src_img.save('/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg') dst_img.save('/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/yuka16011215IMG_5574_TP_V4.jpg') %cd /content/
以下の画像をダウンロードしてGoogle Drive内に保存しています。
'Moon': {10: 0, 60: 1}の場合、Moonというクエリテキストを10フレーム目では0(最小)で、60フレーム目には1(最大)になるように入力。 -
本記事では先ほどセットアップした画像を設定。"/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg" -
本記事では先ほどセットアップした画像を設定。"/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/yuka16011215IMG_5574_TP_V4.jpg': {10: 0, 60: 1}"
上記設定では、クエリテキスト同様に、10フレーム目には最小、60フレーム目で最大になるように入力される。 -
各フレームをズームインするための係数、1はズームなし、1未満はズームアウト、1を超える場合はズームイン(正の値のみ)(E.g. 10: 1, 30: 1.2, 50: 0.9)
key_frames = True #@param {type:"boolean"} text_prompts = "'Moon': {10: 0, 60: 1}, 'Sun': {10: 1, 60: 0}" #@param {type:"string"} width = 400 #@param {type:"number"} height = 400 #@param {type:"number"} model = "vqgan_imagenet_f16_16384" #@param ["vqgan_imagenet_f16_16384", "vqgan_imagenet_f16_1024", "wikiart_16384", "coco", "faceshq", "sflckr"] interval = 1#@param {type:"number"} initial_image = "/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg"#@param {type:"string"} target_images = "'/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/yuka16011215IMG_5574_TP_V4.jpg': {10: 0, 60: 1}"#@param {type:"string"} seed = 1#@param {type:"number"} max_frames = 60#@param {type:"number"} angle = "10: 0, 30: 1, 60: -1"#@param {type:"string"} # @markdown Careful: do not use negative or 0 zoom. If you want to zoom out, use a number between 0 and 1. zoom = "10: 1, 30: 1.2, 60: 0.9"#@param {type:"string"} translation_x = "0: 0"#@param {type:"string"} translation_y = "0: 0"#@param {type:"string"} iterations_per_frame = "0: 10"#@param {type:"string"} save_all_iterations = False#@param {type:"boolean"}
# option -C - skips download if already exists !curl -C - -L -o {model}.yaml -C - 'https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/d/8088892a516d4e3baf92/files/?p=%2Fconfigs%2Fmodel.yaml&dl=1' #ImageNet 1024 !curl -C - -L -o {model}.ckpt -C - 'https://heibox.uni-heidelberg.de/d/8088892a516d4e3baf92/files/?p=%2Fckpts%2Flast.ckpt&dl=1' #ImageNet 1024 if initial_image != "": print( "WARNING: You have specified an initial image. Note that the image resolution " "will be inherited from this image, not whatever width and height you specified. " "If the initial image resolution is too high, this can result in out of memory errors." ) elif width * height > 160000: print( "WARNING: The width and height you have specified may be too high, in which case " "you will encounter out of memory errors either at the image generation stage or the " "video synthesis stage. If so, try reducing the resolution" ) model_names={ "vqgan_imagenet_f16_16384": 'ImageNet 16384', "vqgan_imagenet_f16_1024":"ImageNet 1024", "wikiart_1024":"WikiArt 1024", "wikiart_16384":"WikiArt 16384", "coco":"COCO-Stuff", "faceshq":"FacesHQ", "sflckr":"S-FLCKR" } model_name = model_names[model] if seed == -1: seed = None def parse_key_frames(string, prompt_parser=None): """Given a string representing frame numbers paired with parameter values at that frame, return a dictionary with the frame numbers as keys and the parameter values as the values. Parameters ---------- string: string Frame numbers paired with parameter values at that frame number, in the format 'framenumber1: (parametervalues1), framenumber2: (parametervalues2), ...' prompt_parser: function or None, optional If provided, prompt_parser will be applied to each string of parameter values. Returns ------- dict Frame numbers as keys, parameter values at that frame number as values Raises ------ RuntimeError If the input string does not match the expected format. Examples -------- >>> parse_key_frames("10:(Apple: 1| Orange: 0), 20: (Apple: 0| Orange: 1| Peach: 1)") {10: 'Apple: 1| Orange: 0', 20: 'Apple: 0| Orange: 1| Peach: 1'} >>> parse_key_frames("10:(Apple: 1| Orange: 0), 20: (Apple: 0| Orange: 1| Peach: 1)", prompt_parser=lambda x: x.lower())) {10: 'apple: 1| orange: 0', 20: 'apple: 0| orange: 1| peach: 1'} """ try: # This is the preferred way, the regex way will eventually be deprecated. frames = ast.literal_eval('{' + string + '}') if isinstance(frames, set): # If user forgot keyframes, just set value of frame 0 (frame,) = list(frames) frames = {0: frame} return frames except Exception: import re pattern = r'((?P[0-9]+):[\s]*[\(](?P[\S\s]*?)[\)])' frames = dict() for match_object in re.finditer(pattern, string): frame = int(match_object.groupdict()['frame']) param = match_object.groupdict()['param'] if prompt_parser: frames[frame] = prompt_parser(param) else: frames[frame] = param if frames == {} and len(string) != 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Key Frame string not correctly formatted: {string}') return frames # Defaults, if left empty if angle == "": angle = "0" if zoom == "": zoom = "1" if translation_x == "": translation_x = "0" if translation_y == "": translation_y = "0" if iterations_per_frame == "": iterations_per_frame = "10" if key_frames: parameter_dicts = dict() parameter_dicts['zoom'] = parse_key_frames(zoom, prompt_parser=float) parameter_dicts['angle'] = parse_key_frames(angle, prompt_parser=float) parameter_dicts['translation_x'] = parse_key_frames(translation_x, prompt_parser=float) parameter_dicts['translation_y'] = parse_key_frames(translation_y, prompt_parser=float) parameter_dicts['iterations_per_frame'] = parse_key_frames(iterations_per_frame, prompt_parser=int) text_prompts_dict = parse_key_frames(text_prompts) if all([isinstance(value, dict) for value in list(text_prompts_dict.values())]): for key, value in list(text_prompts_dict.items()): parameter_dicts[f'text_prompt: {key}'] = value else: # Old format text_prompts_dict = parse_key_frames(text_prompts, prompt_parser=lambda x: x.split('|')) for frame, prompt_list in text_prompts_dict.items(): for prompt in prompt_list: prompt_key, prompt_value = prompt.split(":") prompt_key = f'text_prompt: {prompt_key.strip()}' prompt_value = prompt_value.strip() if prompt_key not in parameter_dicts: parameter_dicts[prompt_key] = dict() parameter_dicts[prompt_key][frame] = prompt_value image_prompts_dict = parse_key_frames(target_images) if all([isinstance(value, dict) for value in list(image_prompts_dict.values())]): for key, value in list(image_prompts_dict.items()): parameter_dicts[f'image_prompt: {key}'] = value else: # Old format image_prompts_dict = parse_key_frames(target_images, prompt_parser=lambda x: x.split('|')) for frame, prompt_list in image_prompts_dict.items(): for prompt in prompt_list: prompt_key, prompt_value = prompt.split(":") prompt_key = f'image_prompt: {prompt_key.strip()}' prompt_value = prompt_value.strip() if prompt_key not in parameter_dicts: parameter_dicts[prompt_key] = dict() parameter_dicts[prompt_key][frame] = prompt_value def add_inbetweens(): global text_prompts global target_images global zoom global angle global translation_x global translation_y global iterations_per_frame global text_prompts_series global target_images_series global zoom_series global angle_series global translation_x_series global translation_y_series global iterations_per_frame_series global model global args def get_inbetweens(key_frames_dict, integer=False): """Given a dict with frame numbers as keys and a parameter value as values, return a pandas Series containing the value of the parameter at every frame from 0 to max_frames. Any values not provided in the input dict are calculated by linear interpolation between the values of the previous and next provided frames. If there is no previous provided frame, then the value is equal to the value of the next provided frame, or if there is no next provided frame, then the value is equal to the value of the previous provided frame. If no frames are provided, all frame values are NaN. Parameters ---------- key_frames_dict: dict A dict with integer frame numbers as keys and numerical values of a particular parameter as values. integer: Bool, optional If True, the values of the output series are converted to integers. Otherwise, the values are floats. Returns ------- pd.Series A Series with length max_frames representing the parameter values for each frame. Examples -------- >>> max_frames = 5 >>> get_inbetweens({1: 5, 3: 6}) 0 5.0 1 5.0 2 5.5 3 6.0 4 6.0 dtype: float64 >>> get_inbetweens({1: 5, 3: 6}, integer=True) 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 6 4 6 dtype: int64 """ key_frame_series = pd.Series([np.nan for a in range(max_frames)]) for i, value in key_frames_dict.items(): key_frame_series[i] = value key_frame_series = key_frame_series.astype(float) key_frame_series = key_frame_series.interpolate(limit_direction='both') if integer: return key_frame_series.astype(int) return key_frame_series if key_frames: text_prompts_series_dict = dict() for parameter in parameter_dicts.keys(): if len(parameter_dicts[parameter]) > 0: if parameter.startswith('text_prompt:'): try: text_prompts_series_dict[parameter] = get_inbetweens(parameter_dicts[parameter]) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `text_prompts` correctly for key frames.\n" "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) text_prompts_series = pd.Series([np.nan for a in range(max_frames)]) for i in range(max_frames): combined_prompt = [] for parameter, value in text_prompts_series_dict.items(): parameter = parameter[len('text_prompt:'):].strip() combined_prompt.append(f'{parameter}: {value[i]}') text_prompts_series[i] = ' | '.join(combined_prompt) image_prompts_series_dict = dict() for parameter in parameter_dicts.keys(): if len(parameter_dicts[parameter]) > 0: if parameter.startswith('image_prompt:'): try: image_prompts_series_dict[parameter] = get_inbetweens(parameter_dicts[parameter]) except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `image_prompts` correctly for key frames.\n" "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) target_images_series = pd.Series([np.nan for a in range(max_frames)]) for i in range(max_frames): combined_prompt = [] for parameter, value in image_prompts_series_dict.items(): parameter = parameter[len('image_prompt:'):].strip() combined_prompt.append(f'{parameter}: {value[i]}') target_images_series[i] = ' | '.join(combined_prompt) try: angle_series = get_inbetweens(parameter_dicts['angle']) except RuntimeError as e: print( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `angle` correctly for key frames.\n" "Attempting to interpret `angle` as " f'"0: ({angle})"\n' "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) angle = f"0: ({angle})" angle_series = get_inbetweens(parse_key_frames(angle)) try: zoom_series = get_inbetweens(parameter_dicts['zoom']) except RuntimeError as e: print( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `zoom` correctly for key frames.\n" "Attempting to interpret `zoom` as " f'"0: ({zoom})"\n' "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) zoom = f"0: ({zoom})" zoom_series = get_inbetweens(parse_key_frames(zoom)) for i, zoom in enumerate(zoom_series): if zoom <= 0: print( f"WARNING: You have selected a zoom of {zoom} at frame {i}. " "This is meaningless. " "If you want to zoom out, use a value between 0 and 1. " "If you want no zoom, use a value of 1." ) try: translation_x_series = get_inbetweens(parameter_dicts['translation_x']) except RuntimeError as e: print( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `translation_x` correctly for key frames.\n" "Attempting to interpret `translation_x` as " f'"0: ({translation_x})"\n' "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) translation_x = f"0: ({translation_x})" translation_x_series = get_inbetweens(parse_key_frames(translation_x)) try: translation_y_series = get_inbetweens(parameter_dicts['translation_y']) except RuntimeError as e: print( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `translation_y` correctly for key frames.\n" "Attempting to interpret `translation_y` as " f'"0: ({translation_y})"\n' "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) translation_y = f"0: ({translation_y})" translation_y_series = get_inbetweens(parse_key_frames(translation_y)) try: iterations_per_frame_series = get_inbetweens( parameter_dicts['iterations_per_frame'], integer=True ) except RuntimeError as e: print( "WARNING: You have selected to use key frames, but you have not " "formatted `iterations_per_frame` correctly for key frames.\n" "Attempting to interpret `iterations_per_frame` as " f'"0: ({iterations_per_frame})"\n' "Please read the instructions to find out how to use key frames " "correctly.\n" ) iterations_per_frame = f"0: ({iterations_per_frame})" iterations_per_frame_series = get_inbetweens( parse_key_frames(iterations_per_frame), integer=True ) else: text_prompts = [phrase.strip() for phrase in text_prompts.split("|")] if text_prompts == ['']: text_prompts = [] if target_images == "None" or not target_images: target_images = [] else: target_images = target_images.split("|") target_images = [image.strip() for image in target_images] angle = float(angle) zoom = float(zoom) translation_x = float(translation_x) translation_y = float(translation_y) iterations_per_frame = int(iterations_per_frame) if zoom <= 0: print( f"WARNING: You have selected a zoom of {zoom}. " "This is meaningless. " "If you want to zoom out, use a value between 0 and 1. " "If you want no zoom, use a value of 1." ) args = argparse.Namespace( prompts=text_prompts, image_prompts=target_images, noise_prompt_seeds=[], noise_prompt_weights=[], size=[width, height], init_weight=0., clip_model='ViT-B/32', vqgan_config=f'{model}.yaml', vqgan_checkpoint=f'{model}.ckpt', step_size=0.1, cutn=64, cut_pow=1., display_freq=interval, seed=seed, ) add_inbetweens()
path = f'{working_dir}/steps' !rm -r {path} !mkdir --parents {path} #@title Actually do the run... # Delete memory from previous runs !nvidia-smi -caa for var in ['device', 'model', 'perceptor', 'z']: try: del globals()[var] except: pass try: import gc gc.collect() except: pass try: torch.cuda.empty_cache() except: pass device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print('Using device:', device) if not key_frames: if text_prompts: print('Using text prompts:', text_prompts) if target_images: print('Using image prompts:', target_images) if args.seed is None: seed = torch.seed() else: seed = args.seed torch.manual_seed(seed) print('Using seed:', seed) model = load_vqgan_model(args.vqgan_config, args.vqgan_checkpoint).to(device) perceptor = clip.load(args.clip_model, jit=False)[0].eval().requires_grad_(False).to(device) cut_size = perceptor.visual.input_resolution e_dim = model.quantize.e_dim f = 2**(model.decoder.num_resolutions - 1) make_cutouts = MakeCutouts(cut_size, args.cutn, cut_pow=args.cut_pow) n_toks = model.quantize.n_e toksX, toksY = args.size[0] // f, args.size[1] // f sideX, sideY = toksX * f, toksY * f z_min = model.quantize.embedding.weight.min(dim=0).values[None, :, None, None] z_max = model.quantize.embedding.weight.max(dim=0).values[None, :, None, None] stop_on_next_loop = False # Make sure GPU memory doesn't get corrupted from cancelling the run mid-way through, allow a full frame to complete def read_image_workaround(path): """OpenCV reads images as BGR, Pillow saves them as RGB. Work around this incompatibility to avoid colour inversions.""" im_tmp = cv2.imread(path) return cv2.cvtColor(im_tmp, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(max_frames): if stop_on_next_loop: break if key_frames: text_prompts = text_prompts_series[i] text_prompts = [phrase.strip() for phrase in text_prompts.split("|")] if text_prompts == ['']: text_prompts = [] args.prompts = text_prompts target_images = target_images_series[i] if target_images == "None" or not target_images: target_images = [] else: target_images = target_images.split("|") target_images = [image.strip() for image in target_images] args.image_prompts = target_images angle = angle_series[i] zoom = zoom_series[i] translation_x = translation_x_series[i] translation_y = translation_y_series[i] iterations_per_frame = iterations_per_frame_series[i] print( f'text_prompts: {text_prompts}', f'image_prompts: {target_images}', f'angle: {angle}', f'zoom: {zoom}', f'translation_x: {translation_x}', f'translation_y: {translation_y}', f'iterations_per_frame: {iterations_per_frame}' ) try: if i == 0 and initial_image != "": img_0 = read_image_workaround(initial_image) z, *_ = model.encode(TF.to_tensor(img_0).to(device).unsqueeze(0) * 2 - 1) elif i == 0 and not os.path.isfile(f'{working_dir}/steps/{i:04d}.png'): one_hot = F.one_hot( torch.randint(n_toks, [toksY * toksX], device=device), n_toks ).float() z = one_hot @ model.quantize.embedding.weight z = z.view([-1, toksY, toksX, e_dim]).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) else: if save_all_iterations: img_0 = read_image_workaround( f'{working_dir}/steps/{i:04d}_{iterations_per_frame}.png') else: img_0 = read_image_workaround(f'{working_dir}/steps/{i:04d}.png') center = (1*img_0.shape[1]//2, 1*img_0.shape[0]//2) trans_mat = np.float32( [[1, 0, translation_x], [0, 1, translation_y]] ) rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D( center, angle, zoom ) trans_mat = np.vstack([trans_mat, [0,0,1]]) rot_mat = np.vstack([rot_mat, [0,0,1]]) transformation_matrix = np.matmul(rot_mat, trans_mat) img_0 = cv2.warpPerspective( img_0, transformation_matrix, (img_0.shape[1], img_0.shape[0]), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_WRAP ) z, *_ = model.encode(TF.to_tensor(img_0).to(device).unsqueeze(0) * 2 - 1) i += 1 z_orig = z.clone() z.requires_grad_(True) opt = optim.Adam([z], lr=args.step_size) normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073], std=[0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711]) pMs = [] for prompt in args.prompts: txt, weight, stop = parse_prompt(prompt) embed = perceptor.encode_text(clip.tokenize(txt).to(device)).float() pMs.append(Prompt(embed, weight, stop).to(device)) for prompt in args.image_prompts: path, weight, stop = parse_prompt(prompt) img = resize_image(Image.open(path).convert('RGB'), (sideX, sideY)) batch = make_cutouts(TF.to_tensor(img).unsqueeze(0).to(device)) embed = perceptor.encode_image(normalize(batch)).float() pMs.append(Prompt(embed, weight, stop).to(device)) for seed, weight in zip(args.noise_prompt_seeds, args.noise_prompt_weights): gen = torch.Generator().manual_seed(seed) embed = torch.empty([1, perceptor.visual.output_dim]).normal_(generator=gen) pMs.append(Prompt(embed, weight).to(device)) def synth(z): z_q = vector_quantize(z.movedim(1, 3), model.quantize.embedding.weight).movedim(3, 1) return clamp_with_grad(model.decode(z_q).add(1).div(2), 0, 1) def add_xmp_data(filename): imagen = ImgTag(filename=filename) imagen.xmp.append_array_item(libxmp.consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'creator', 'VQGAN+CLIP', {"prop_array_is_ordered":True, "prop_value_is_array":True}) if args.prompts: imagen.xmp.append_array_item(libxmp.consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'title', " | ".join(args.prompts), {"prop_array_is_ordered":True, "prop_value_is_array":True}) else: imagen.xmp.append_array_item(libxmp.consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'title', 'None', {"prop_array_is_ordered":True, "prop_value_is_array":True}) imagen.xmp.append_array_item(libxmp.consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'i', str(i), {"prop_array_is_ordered":True, "prop_value_is_array":True}) imagen.xmp.append_array_item(libxmp.consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'model', model_name, {"prop_array_is_ordered":True, "prop_value_is_array":True}) imagen.xmp.append_array_item(libxmp.consts.XMP_NS_DC, 'seed',str(seed) , {"prop_array_is_ordered":True, "prop_value_is_array":True}) imagen.close() def add_stegano_data(filename): data = { "title": " | ".join(args.prompts) if args.prompts else None, "notebook": "VQGAN+CLIP", "i": i, "model": model_name, "seed": str(seed), } lsb.hide(filename, json.dumps(data)).save(filename) @torch.no_grad() def checkin(i, losses): losses_str = ', '.join(f'{loss.item():g}' for loss in losses) tqdm.write(f'i: {i}, loss: {sum(losses).item():g}, losses: {losses_str}') out = synth(z) TF.to_pil_image(out[0].cpu()).save('progress.png') add_stegano_data('progress.png') add_xmp_data('progress.png') display.display(display.Image('progress.png')) def save_output(i, img, suffix=None): filename = \ f"{working_dir}/steps/{i:04}{'_' + suffix if suffix else ''}.png" imageio.imwrite(filename, np.array(img)) add_stegano_data(filename) add_xmp_data(filename) def ascend_txt(i, save=True, suffix=None): out = synth(z) iii = perceptor.encode_image(normalize(make_cutouts(out))).float() result = [] if args.init_weight: result.append(F.mse_loss(z, z_orig) * args.init_weight / 2) for prompt in pMs: result.append(prompt(iii)) img = np.array(out.mul(255).clamp(0, 255)[0].cpu().detach().numpy().astype(np.uint8))[:,:,:] img = np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0)) if save: save_output(i, img, suffix=suffix) return result def train(i, save=True, suffix=None): opt.zero_grad() lossAll = ascend_txt(i, save=save, suffix=suffix) if i % args.display_freq == 0 and save: checkin(i, lossAll) loss = sum(lossAll) loss.backward() opt.step() with torch.no_grad(): z.copy_(z.maximum(z_min).minimum(z_max)) with tqdm() as pbar: if iterations_per_frame == 0: save_output(i, img_0) j = 1 while True: suffix = (str(j) if save_all_iterations else None) if j >= iterations_per_frame: train(i, save=True, suffix=suffix) break if save_all_iterations: train(i, save=True, suffix=suffix) else: train(i, save=False, suffix=suffix) j += 1 pbar.update() except KeyboardInterrupt: stop_on_next_loop = True pass
生成したフレーム画像から動画を生成します。 この時、last_frameを指定することで、動画に使用するフレーム画像の範囲を指定できます。
# @title Create video # import subprocess in case this cell is run without the above cells import subprocess # Try to avoid OOM errors torch.cuda.empty_cache() init_frame = 1#@param {type:"number"} This is the frame where the video will start last_frame = 60#@param {type:"number"} You can change i to the number of the last frame you want to generate. It will raise an error if that number of frames does not exist. fps = 12#@param {type:"number"} try: key_frames except NameError: filename = "video.mp4" else: if key_frames: # key frame filename would be too long filename = "video.mp4" else: filename = f"{'_'.join(text_prompts).replace(' ', '')}.mp4" filepath = f'{working_dir}/{filename}' frames = [] # tqdm.write('Generating video...') try: zoomed except NameError: image_path = f'{working_dir}/steps/%04d.png' else: image_path = f'{working_dir}/steps/zoomed_%04d.png' cmd = [ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-vcodec', 'png', '-r', str(fps), '-start_number', str(init_frame), '-i', image_path, '-c:v', 'libx264', '-frames:v', str(last_frame-init_frame), '-vf', f'fps={fps}', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-crf', '17', '-preset', 'veryslow', filepath ] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=f'{working_dir}/steps/', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: print(stderr) print( "You may be able to avoid this error by backing up the frames," "restarting the notebook, and running only the google drive/local connection and video synthesis cells," "or by decreasing the resolution of the image generation steps. " "If these steps do not work, please post the traceback in the github." ) raise RuntimeError(stderr) else: print("The video is ready")
Google Driveに動画が出力されます。
text_prompts = "'Moon': {10: 0, 60: 1}, 'Sun': {10: 1, 60: 0}"
initial_image = "/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg"
target_images = "'/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/yuka16011215IMG_5574_TP_V4.jpg': {10: 0, 60: 1}"
text_prompts = "'Death': {10: 0, 60: 1}
initial_image = "/content/drive/MyDrive/vqgan/images/nantoshi21PAR519902088_TP_V4.jpg"
target_images = ""
1. 論文 - Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
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