[Nougat] 論文・数式に特化したOCRでArxivを文字認識する


Artificial Intelligence






Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Document(Nougat)は、Visual Transformerモデルをベースとし、PDF形式で保存され数式の意味情報が失われた科学文書を、マークアップ言語に変換しています。

出典: Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents




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!pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/nougat@a017de1f5501fbeb6cd8b7c302f9a075b2b4bee2'





!wget \
  --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36"\
  https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.13418.pdf \
  -O ./arxiv_nougat.pdf





!nougat ./arxiv_nougat.pdf \
  -o ./result \
  -m 0.1.0-small \
  -p 1,8-10


import pprint

with open('./result/arxiv_nougat.mmd') as f:
  s = f.read()
('# Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents\n'
 'Lukas Blecher\n'
 'Correspondence to: lblecher@meta.com\n'
 'Guillem Cucurull\n'
 'Thomas Scialom\n'
 'Robert Stojnic\n'
 'Meta AI\n'
 'The paper reports 8.1M papers but the authors recently updated the numbers '
 'on the GitHub page https://github.com/allenai/s2orc\n'
 '###### Abstract\n'
 'Scientific knowledge is predominantly stored in books and scientific '
 'journals, often in the form of PDFs. However, the PDF format leads to a loss '
 'of semantic information, particularly for mathematical expressions. We '
 'propose Nougat (**N**eural **O**ptical **U**nderstanding for **A**cademic '
 '**D**cuments), a Visual Transformer model that performs an _Optical '
 'Character Recognition_ (OCR) task for processing scientific documents into a '
 'markup language, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on a new '
 'dataset of scientific documents. The proposed approach offers a promising '
 'solution to enhance the accessibility of scientific knowledge in the digital '
 'age, by bridging the gap between human-readable documents and '
 'machine-readable text. We release the models and code to accelerate future '
 'work on scientific text recognition.\n'
 '## 1 Introduction\n'
 'The majority of scientific knowledge is stored in books or published in '
 'scientific journals, most commonly in the Portable Document Format (PDF). '
 'Next to HTML, PDFs are the second most prominent data format on the '
 'internet, making up 2.4% of common crawl [1]. However, the information '
 'stored in these files is very difficult to extract into any other formats. '
 'This is especially true for highly specialized documents, such as scientific '
 'research papers, where the semantic information of mathematical expressions '
 'is lost.\n'
 'Existing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engines, such as Tesseract OCR '
 '[2], excel at detecting and classifying individual characters and words in '
 'an image, but fail to understand the relationship between them due to their '
 'line-by-line approach. This means that they treat superscripts and '
 'subscripts in the same way as the surrounding text, which is a significant '
 'drawback for mathematical expressions. In mathematical notations like '
 'fractions, exponents, and matrices, relative positions of characters are '
 'Converting academic research papers into machine-readable text also enables '
 'accessibility and searchability of science as a whole. The information of '
 'millions of academic papers can not be fully accessed because they are '
 'locked behind an unreadable format. Existing corpora, such as the S2ORC '
 'dataset [3], capture the text of 12M2 papers using GROBID [4], but are '
 'missing meaningful representations of the mathematical equations.\n'
 'Footnote 2: The paper reports 8.1M papers but the authors recently updated '
 'the numbers on the GitHub page https://github.com/allenai/s2orc\n'
 'To this end, we introduce Nougat, a transformer based model that can convert '
 'images of document pages to formatted markup text.\n'
 'The primary contributions in this paper are\n'
 '* Release of a pre-trained model capable of converting a PDF to a '
 'lightweight markup language. We release the code and the model on GitHub3 '
 'Footnote 3: https://github.com/facebookresearch/nougat\n'
 '* We introduce a pipeline to create dataset for pairing PDFs to source code\n'
 '* Our method is only dependent on the image of a page, allowing access to '
 'scanned papers and books\n'
 '### Repetitions during inference\n'
 'We notice that the model degenerates into repeating the same sentence over '
 'and over again. The model can not recover from this state by itself. In its '
 'simplest form, the last sentence or paragraph is repeated over and over '
 'again. We observed this behavior in \\(1.5\\%\\) of pages in the test set, '
 'but the frequency increases for out-of-domain documents. Getting stuck in a '
 'repetitive loop is a known problem with Transformer-based models, when '
 'sampled with greedy decoding [44].\n'
 'It can also happen that the model alternates between two sentences but '
 'sometimes changes some words, so a strict repetition detection will not '
 'suffice. Even harder to detect are predictions where the model counts its '
 'own repetitions, which sometimes happens in the references section.\n'
 'In general we notice this kind behavior after a mistake by the model. The '
 'model is not able to recover from the collapse.\n'
 'Anti-repetition augmentationBecause of that we introduce a random '
 'perturbation during training. This helps the model to learn how to handle a '
 'wrongly predicted token. For each training example, there is a fixed '
 'probability that a random token will be replaced by any other randomly '
 'chosen token. This process continues until the newly sampled number is '
 'greater than a specified threshold (in this case, 10%). We did not observe a '
 'decrease in performance with this approach, but we did notice a significant '
 'reduction in repetitions. Particularly for out-of-domain documents, where we '
 'saw a 32% decline in failed page conversions.\n'
 'Repetition detectionSince we are generating a maximum of \\(4096\\) tokens '
 'the model will stop at some point, however it is very inefficient and '
 'resource intensive to wait for a "end of sentence" token, when none will '
 'come. To detect the repetition during inference time we look at the largest '
 'logit value \\(\\ell_{i}=\\max\\boldsymbol{\\ell}_{i}\\) of the ith token. '
 'We found that the logits after a collapse can be separated using the '
 'following heuristic. First calculate the variance of the logits for a '
 'sliding window of size \\(B=15\\)\n'
 '\\[\\mathrm{VarWin}_{B}[\\boldsymbol{\\ell}](x)=\\frac{1}{B}\\sum_{i=x}^{x+B}\\left( '
 'Figure 6: Examples for repetition detection on logits. Top: Sample with '
 'repetition, Bottom: Sample without repetition. Left: Highest logit score for '
 'each token in the sequence \\(\\ell(x)\\), Center: Sliding window variance '
 'of the logits \\(\\mathrm{VarWin}_{B}[\\ell](x)\\), Right: Variance of '
 'variance from the position to the end '
 '\\(\\mathrm{VarEnd}_{B}[\\ell](x)\\)Here \\(\\ell\\) is the signal of logits '
 'and \\(x\\) the index. Using this new signal we compute variances again but '
 'this time from the point \\(x\\) to the end of the sequence\n'
 '\\[\\mathrm{VarEnd}_{B}[\\boldsymbol{\\ell}](x)=\\frac{1}{S-x}\\sum_{i=x}^{S}\\left( '
 '\\mathrm{VarWin}_{B}[\\boldsymbol{\\ell}](i)-\\frac{1}{S-x}\\sum_{j=x}^{S}\\mathrm{ '
 'If this signal drops below a certain threshold (we choose 6.75) and stays '
 'below for the remainder of the sequence, we classify the sequence to have '
 'During inference time, it is obviously not possible to compute the to the '
 'end of the sequence if our goal is to stop generation at an earlier point in '
 'time. So here we work with a subset of the last 200 tokens and a half the '
 'threshold. After the generation is finished, the procedure as described '
 'above is repeated for the full sequence.\n'
 '### Limitations & Future work\n'
 '**Utility**  The utility of the model is limited by a number of factors. '
 'First, the problem with repetitions outlined in section 5.4. The model is '
 'trained on research papers, which means it works particularly well on '
 'documents with a similar structure. However, it can still accurately convert '
 'other types of documents.\n'
 'Nearly every dataset sample is in English. Initial tests on a small sample '
 "suggest that the model's performance with other Latin-based languages is "
 'satisfactory, although any special characters from these languages will be '
 'replaced with the closest equivalent from the Latin alphabet. Non-Latin '
 'script languages result in instant repetitions.\n'
 '**Generation Speed**  On a machine with a NVIDIA A10G graphics card with '
 '24GB VRAM we can process 6 pages in parallel. The generation speed depends '
 'heavily on the amount of text on any given page. With an average number of '
 'tokens of \\(\\approx 1400\\) we get an mean generation time of 19.5s per '
 'batch for the base model without any inference optimization. Compared to '
 'classical approaches (GROBID 10.6 PDF/s [4]) this is very slow, but it is '
 'not limited to digital-born PDFs and can correctly parse mathematical '
 '**Future work**  The model is trained on one page at a time without '
 'knowledge about other pages in the document. This results in inconsistencies '
 'across the document. Most notably in the bibliography where the model was '
 'trained on different styles or section titles where sometimes numbers are '
 'skipped or hallucinated. Though handling each page separately significantly '
 'improves parallelization and scalability, it may diminish the quality of the '
 'merged document text.\n'
 'The primary challenge to solve is the tendency for the model to collapse '
 'into a repeating loop, which is left for future work.\n'
 '## 6 Conclusion\n'
 'In this work, we present Nougat, an end-to-end trainable encoder-decoder '
 'transformer based model for converting document pages to markup. We apply '
 'recent advances in visual document understanding to a novel OCR task. '
 'Distinct from related approaches, our method does not rely on OCR or '
 'embedded text representations, instead relying solely on the rasterized '
 'document page. Moreover, we have illustrated an automatic and unsupervised '
 'dataset generation process that we used to successfully train the model for '
 'scientific document to markup conversion. Overall, our approach has shown '
 'great potential for not only extracting text from digital-born PDFs but also '
 'for converting scanned papers and textbooks. We hope this work can be a '
 'starting point for future research in related domains.\n'
 'All the code for model evaluation, training and dataset generation can be '
 'accessed at https://github.com/facebookresearch/nougat.\n'
 '## 7 Acknowledgments\n'
 'Thanks to Ross Taylor, Marcin Kardas, Iliyan Zarov, Kevin Stone, Jian Xiang '
 'Kuan, Andrew Poulton and Hugo Touvron for their valuable discussions and '
 'Thanks to Faisal Azhar for the support throughout the project.\n'
 '## References\n'
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1.  論文 - Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents

2. GitHub - facebookresearch/nougat









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